Motherwell 01698 308986 for all your legal work!
Motherwell 01698 308986 for all your legal work!
Sadly dog attacks can happen and, when they do, they can cause serious injuries. Although uncommon, dogs are known to attack humans and can be a threat to the general public.
Some dog owners are irresponsible with the safety aspect of owing a dog and according to statistics, the number of people being treated for dog bites has risen. If you are one of the unfortunate people that have been a victim of a dog bite or dog attack then you could make a claim for compensation. A dog bite claim can be a lot easier to prove if the dog is already known to be dangerous and suitable precautions aren’t taken to keep the public safe. A dog owner could be held liable for a dog attack if the dog has a history of violence or aggressive behaviour, yet no precautions such as a muzzle or lead are used as a caution against dog bites.
You can call the DM Legal office in on 01698308986 or mobile 07904620840.
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